

Project Libraries

Predictions Predicting Predictions. Matthew Schlegel 2022. Core project repo for ''Predictions Predicting Predictions''.

General Value Function Networks. Matthew Schlegel, Andrew Jacobsen, Zaheer Abbas, Andrew Patterson, Adam White, Martha White 2021. The code base for ''General Value Function Networks''.

Importance Resampling for Off-policy Prediction. Matthew Schlegel 2019. The code base for ''Importance Resampling for Off-policy Prediction''..

Open Source Libraries

ChoosyDataLoggers.jl. Matthew Schlegel 2022. A data logger for julia which is highly configurable, stores data in an efficient manner, and can easily be turned off or on without interacting with the underlying framwork..

Reproduce.jl. Matthew Schlegel, Andrew Jacobsen 2020. How did I get these results? A framework for managing hyper-parameter settings, and running experiments. Lightly based on litetracer from Borealis..

MinimalRLCore.jl. Matthew Schlegel 2019. A base library for running Reinforcement Learning experiments in Julia..

ExpUtils for C++. Matthew Schlegel 2018. A base library for running experiments in C++.