Directional TMaze

Experience Replay Experiment


Automatically generated docs for DirectionalTMazeERExperiment config.

Experiment details.

  • seed::Int: seed of RNG
  • steps::Int: Number of steps taken in the experiment

Logging Extras

By default the experiment will log and save (depending on the synopsis flag) the logging group :EXP. You can add extra logging groups and [group, name] pairs using the below arguments. Everything added to save_extras will be passed to the save operation, and will be logged automatically. The groups and names added to log_extras will be ommited from save_results but still passed back to the user through the data dict.

  • <log_extras::Vector{Union{String, Vector{String}}>: which group and <name> to log to the data dict. This will not be passed to save.
  • <save_extras::Vector{Union{String, Vector{String}}>: which groups and <names> to log to the data dict. This will be passed to save.

Environment details

This experiment uses the DirectionalTMaze environment. The usable args are:

  • size::Int: Size of the hallway in directional tmaze.

agent details


The RNN used for this experiment and its total hidden size, as well as a flag to use (or not use) zhu's deep action network. See

  • cell::String: The typeof cell. Many types are possible.
  • deepaction::Bool: Whether to use Zhu et. al.'s deep action 4 RNNs idea. -internal_a::Int: the size of the action representation layer when deepaction=true
  • numhidden::Int: Size of hidden state in RNNs.

Optimizer details

Flux optimizers are used. See flux documentation and ExpUtils.Flux.get_optimizer for details.

  • opt::String: The name of the optimizer used
  • Parameters defined by the particular optimizer.

Learning update and replay details including:

  • Replay:

    • replay_size::Int: How many transitions are stored in the replay.
    • warm_up::Int: How many steps for warm-up (i.e. before learning begins).
  • Update details:

    • lupdate::String: Learning update name
    • gamma::Float: the discount for learning update.
    • batch_size::Int: size of batch
    • truncation::Int: Length of sequences used for training.
    • update_wait::Int: Time between updates (counted in agent interactions)
    • target_update_wait::Int: Time between target network updates (counted in agent interactions)
    • hs_strategy::String: Strategy for dealing w/ hidden state in buffer.

Default performance:

Time: 0:02:28
  episode:    5385
  successes:  0.8351648351648352
  loss:       1.0
  l1:         0.0
  action:     2
  preds:      Float32[0.369189, 0.48326853, 0.993273]

Intervention Experiment (Section 6)


Automatically generated docs for DirectionalTMazeInterventionExperiment config.

Experiment details.

  • seed::Int: seed of RNG
  • steps::Int: Number of steps taken in the experiment

Logging Extras

By default the experiment will log and save (depending on the synopsis flag) the logging group :EXP. You can add extra logging groups and [group, name] pairs using the below arguments. Everything added to save_extras will be passed to the save operation, and will be logged automatically. The groups and names added to log_extras will be ommited from save_results but still passed back to the user through the data dict.

  • <log_extras::Vector{Union{String, Vector{String}}>: which group and <name> to log to the data dict. This will not be passed to save.
  • <save_extras::Vector{Union{String, Vector{String}}>: which groups and <names> to log to the data dict. This will be passed to save.

Environment details

This experiment uses the DirectionalTMaze environment. The usable args are:

  • size::Int: Size of the hallway in directional tmaze.

agent details


The RNN used for this experiment and its total hidden size, as well as a flag to use (or not use) zhu's deep action network. See

  • cell::String: The typeof cell. Many types are possible.
  • deepaction::Bool: Whether to use Zhu et. al.'s deep action 4 RNNs idea. -internal_a::Int: the size of the action representation layer when deepaction=true
  • numhidden::Int: Size of hidden state in RNNs.

Optimizer details

Flux optimizers are used. See flux documentation and ExpUtils.Flux.get_optimizer for details.

  • opt::String: The name of the optimizer used
  • Parameters defined by the particular optimizer.

Learning update and replay details including:

  • Replay:

    • replay_size::Int: How many transitions are stored in the replay.
    • warm_up::Int: How many steps for warm-up (i.e. before learning begins).
  • Update details:

    • lupdate::String: Learning update name
    • gamma::Float: the discount for learning update.
    • batch_size::Int: size of batch
    • truncation::Int: Length of sequences used for training.
    • update_wait::Int: Time between updates (counted in agent interactions)
    • target_update_wait::Int: Time between target network updates (counted in agent interactions)
    • hs_strategy::String: Strategy for dealing w/ hidden state in buffer.
  • Intervention details:

    • inter_list::String: Points to the constructor fot the list of interventions to run on the agent after training.

      • \"DTMazeV1\": Testing the start intervention and middle intervention.
    • inter_freeze_training::Bool: whether to pause training when performing interventions.

    • inter_num_episodes::Int: Number of episodes to perform interventions (these are after training episodes).
